
The karate club is a Cuong Nhu martial arts school that blends elements of Shotokan Karate, Aikido, Judo, Wing Chun, Vovinam, T’ai chi ch’uan and Boxing. It is this blending of hard and soft styles from which Cuong Nhu derives its name, which is Vietnamese for Hard (Cuong) / Soft (Nhu).

Cuong Nhu is appropriate for all levels of students, from beginners to experienced. Cuong Nhu is a traditional martial art. The core beginner’s curriculum is based in Shotokan karate and its application to self defense and safety. In addition to hard style karate, students learn Judo mat work such as how to roll, fall, do takedowns, throws and grappling. As a student progresses to the higher levels, weapons (short stick, long stick) are an integrated part of training. Cuong Nhu is a complete martial art that develops the whole person both mentally and physically.

The children’s curriculum focuses on the basics of karate movements and their applications to self defense and safety. As a student progresses they develop focus in their techniques and self discipline in their actions. Cuong Nhu martial arts training builds self discipline and character. Through the study of our techniques and our philosophy students learn how to approach the challenges they face.

Adult Classes

Mon 7 – 9 pm
Wed 7 – 9 pm
Fri 7 – 9 pm

Kids 8 & Up

Wed. 7 – 8 pm
Fri. 7 – 8 pm

Shojin Dojo
Clark Recreation Center
430 Westfield Avenue
Clark, New Jersey 07066